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About the Library

In an effort to make items in the public record more accessible to the general public, LAFCo has begun the process of digitizing and remediating documents for digital and ADA-compliant access to the general public. Items will slowly be added to this growing library of content useful to those considering a Public Records Act (PRA) request. 

The first items to be added to this library have been LAFCo's resolutions. While these files are added, a comprehensive log that tracks information about all historical resolutions has been added to the resolutions page and can be referred to by the general public when attempting to answer questions about annexations, boundary changes, or a host of other board items that they may be curious about. If there are questions about the resources in this library, the public can contact LAFCo at or call us at (707) 463-4470.

A final note: LAFCo's Studies page has also been merged into this library as the studies page is a library of current and previous LAFCo Municipal Service Reviews and felt relevant to include in this category. A list of all three libraries is linked below and can also be found in the "Library" drop-down menu in the top ribbon of LAFCo's website.


Studies Library: Muncipal Service Reviews & Sphere of Influence Studies

Resolutions Library

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